Recent content by AlpineDCO67

  1. A

    Windows apps reappeared??

    Found it. Thanks for the heads up. I didn't update the $OEM folder to reflect the new station model. a quick change to the OEM.bat file and It now works perfectly.
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    Windows OEM activation

    I ran into this problem. I removed all keys from the unattended.xml and that fixed it. Once the machine went online it would activate.
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    IMPORTANT: Request silent application info here

    Chrome (Consumer Edition) ChromeSetup.exe /silent /install Classic Sticky Notes ClassicStickyNotes-1.1-setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- ODBC for SQL Driver 17 msodbcsql_17.4.2.1_x64.msi /quiet /passive /qn IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES /qb
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    Windows apps reappeared??

    Good Morning, I have a bug that has me puzzled. I have an ISO (19042) that I built minus windows apps and OneDrive. It deploys perfectly in our fleet (Latitude e6430, e6420) with no apps or OneDrive. When I deploy the image on a later machine (Latitude 7480), it loads with all of the apps...