Recent content by Alt68er

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    Volume Control slider disappears after removing re-installations with NTLite

    Hi Nuhi, thank you sooooo much for your assistance. Nothing of the above helped me. But: 1. I did not try to create a new NTLite-image with the SleepOption defaulted or enabled: 2. yes, I have the ExplorerPatcher running - sorry for not mentioning that before. But it is running already...
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    Volume Control slider disappears after removing re-installations with NTLite

    Hi Nuhi, thanks for aksing back. Just now I completed the host refresh according to your recommendation and following your guide. Unfortunately the volume control slider still is disappearing... Ok, I'll live with that "feature" until the 23H2-edition will come out. Then I'll do a new...
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    Volume Control slider disappears after removing re-installations with NTLite

    Thank you sooo much for your attention to this. I'll try to do a host refresh as requested and will inform you soonest about the result.
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    Volume Control slider disappears after removing re-installations with NTLite

    Hello, I'm running a Windows 11 22H2 NTLited as per enclosed automatically saved session xml-file. The original installation took place in November 2022 and the automatic monthly updates were installed every month and after that I always removed with NTLite the re-installed components. I'm...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    garlin sorry for my stupid previous message. In the meantime I found your script and re-installed the notepad-app and its dependencies. Unfortunately I could not do it with a double click although the App Installer was not removed here too. But it claimed the dependencies first, so I installed...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    garlin Thanks so much for your additional explanations which partially I could follow, partially not cause I'm not an expert but sometimes I'm thinking to be. ;) In this case I'm still not really understanding the reasons for Windows's behavior. Can you please give me a hint where or how to get...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    I disagree with you. Imagine what you said in the following situation: I'm having installed a Windows version, let's say 1.777, with the latest update, let's say number 10. I ran NTLite on this machine uninstalling some items. The version still remains 1.777. Now WU and is seeing my version...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    francis11 Thanks a lot for your additional comments, I'll take them into consideration. THIS did not help, sorry.
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    @ Hellbovine Thanks a lot for your hints. I corrected all 3 items but that did not have any influence, i.e. did not change anything. The double dash is there cause I simply copied it from the internet and after testing it does the same, i.e. making invisibal one context-menuitem.- francis11...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    Hi, after having done some additional tests I can confirm that the automatical re-downloading of the already installed update KB5018427 is causing the problem. After its complete download Windows Updates states installing, but nothing happens. I closed the settings app and tried to re-open it...
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    Windows 11 22H2 Apps (Settings and Notepad) cannot be started any more

    For better understanding the history of my clean Win 11 installation. As basis I used an ISO downloaded from MS with MCT, v22621.525. I slimmed that image with NTLite with the automatically saved session xml file from my installation fo a previous version of Windows 11 in March or April this...
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    [FIXED] Windows Update is not shown in Settings

    Thanks a lot for your explanations nuhi!
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    [FIXED] Windows Update is not shown in Settings

    Thanks a lot for all your testing and further answers. garlin Thank you for having found out that removing the delivery-optimization will temporarily fix it. I'm now believing that it's a Windows bug cause this setting should not hide the complete Update-section in the settings but only the...
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    [FIXED] Windows Update is not shown in Settings

    garlin After having checked it again and again I'm almost 100% sure that this entry is made by NTlite. The entries correspond to what I've disabled via NTlite. @Hellbolvine No, up to now I didn't create a new ISO without the reg-files. I'll do that now and post the result tomorrow.- And: no, I...
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    [FIXED] Windows Update is not shown in Settings

    I knew that this or a similar answer will come and therefore wanted to attach these reg-files to my previous post, but forgot it. But here they are. If the reason is located here, please give me a hint. Thank you!