Recent content by davidm71

  1. D

    Guide: Optimized Image

    So in Step 7 you don't have to click 'reintegrate registry' again? Just Process? Thanks
  2. D

    Guide: Optimized Image

    How do you change it to high effiency mode? Thanks
  3. D

    Reports of Tiny11 not improving laptop battery life

    Hi, Was wondering if anyone has played around with Tiny11 and thoughts on laptop battery life. Saw a youtube video where this guy got worse battery life with Tiny11 by about a significant amount. Perhaps the Tiny script removed crucial power management capabilities? Thanks
  4. D

    Guide: Optimized Image

    Hi, Confused about how this guide would effect a laptops power management especially in regards to battery life and how you would modify these tweaks considering its a laptop? Thanks