Recent content by Lamp

  1. L

    NTite versions

    v2.1.1.7917 latest cracked... I don't mean anything by it
  2. L

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    200 drivers removed (with infrared devices) - no problem. E.G. If you remove Modem you should remove modem drivers also. And I recommend to make two versions of preset: Store and Game, because a lot of people want to use MS Store or Xbox.
  3. L

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    I suggesting removing some drivers. In latest preset drivers are not removed / disabled for deleted components.
  4. L

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    No any drivers removed
  5. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    And I fixed my problem. Some registry files. Thanks for all responses.
  6. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    Of course preactivated is illegal. Users have use their own keys.
  7. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    Thanks for a huge reply. Undestood and I will search for it myself.
  8. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    I want to make something like this: Two editions: First Normal with Updates, Store and XBOX. Second MAX without Updates, Store and XBOX. I have written to many people for support. Even for partnership.
  9. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    If this will be a problem I can fix, the user will be pleased. Not everyone needs to know everything I think.
  10. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    So any customs are illegal? Tell that to their authors. I have no plans to release the system for thousands of people. I'm just looking for this solution :)
  11. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    ok understood. My question is: Is there any reg | gpo | batch script that prevents the edge from restoring itself?
  12. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    I removed. I remember you from btw
  13. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    Which commands? Can you send me?
  14. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    hmm... But is there any other way to have no edge and security center after update in Windows Update?
  15. L

    Edge and Security Center returned after removal

    Edge bat after installing os. Can you have a look at it? It is yours :)