Recent content by singharyan44

  1. S

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    Nice, I think yours is similar to my GamingOS 10 and GamingOS 11 but better, I haven't tried yours out. It is still in development and I plan on making it public, also the presets of GamingOS 10 and GamingOS 11 are attached below. You can test it and find out why the post-setup applications are...
  2. S

    Post-setup Apps not installing

    I think I am posting this in the wrong category, tell me and I will repost it in the correct category you tell. I am making a modified version of Windows 10 and 11 optimized for gaming. After testing it once using Virtualbox the apps were not installed, I didn't check if the registry files also...