Recent content by tired-it

  1. T

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    I am aware of most of them I think. My idea is a bit more multimedia centric, but extra compatibility has come in handy before.
  2. T

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    Well that about double what I was able to find in this thread. It helps a lot! I'll be sure to parse through and see what I need.
  3. T

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    Kinda wild to see how much can be taken out of Windows. I am tempted to try to make a modification/update to the preset for Windows 10 Enterprise as a test. I am more forgiving to certain components. Anyways, here is what I am trying to keep: 1) Bluetooth, Wifi, Network Discovery -----A laptop...
  4. T

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    Oh right on. I must have missed that message. Looking forward to seeing how slim 23H2 can be. In my experience, it is the buggiest version of Windows I have used in years.
  5. T

    GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

    I have noticed that with the recent releases of Windows 11, more components, settings and services have been added. Has anyone attempted to make an updated preset for Windows 11 23H2 or 24H2? I'm considering attempting it, but my time is limited.
  6. T

    Restore Windows Photo Viewer with file associations [Windows 10/11]

    Looks clean! Out of curiosity, what makes this different than the registry option presented on this site?
  7. T

    [CRITICAL] May 2023 SecureBoot fix will break all boot media

    Hrmm, well at least it is not too difficult to acquire updates and integrate them, but that is a barrier to entry.
  8. T

    IMPORTANT: Request silent application info here

    /qn /norestart used to work for a Post-Setup install, but I changed it to /passive /norestart and now it works again. Software is weird sometimes. Thanks!
  9. T

    [CRITICAL] May 2023 SecureBoot fix will break all boot media

    What about LTSC releases like Windows 10 2021? Will those be getting an updated ISO?
  10. T

    (Solved) Potential issues with Unattended and Post-Setup after update

    Forgot to reply to let you know that the newest updates seemingly fixed the Post-Setup crashes/not starting issues.
  11. T

    (Solved) Potential issues with Unattended and Post-Setup after update

    Update: The full Post-Setup process finally completed without issue. For some reason the silent install switches for the two programs that I added had to be changed again. The Post-Setup is consistently working with the newest NTLite update so I suppose that's a wrap! I will add that the quirk...
  12. T

    Unattended settings persist when reloading an image

    Sounds like a simple warning should suffice. And/or perhaps an option to prevent overwriting.
  13. T

    Unattended settings persist when reloading an image

    I can definitely understand the conflict with custom changes; however, at that point I imagine the user is better off manually managing the file as needed. The suggested change is mainly for users that only use NTLite's options and none else. It is a small issue in the grand scheme of things...
  14. T

    Unattended settings persist when reloading an image

    Context: Make an ISO in NTLite. Use its built-in options for creating an unattended file. Reload the same ISO in NTLite. Check unattended page. It is set to default. None of the customizations are visible. Clicking on enable shows a blank page. My suggestion is for NTLite to load the...
  15. T

    IMPORTANT: Request silent application info here

    I am not sure if the latest NTLite update caused this but /qn /norestart is seemingly not working for the MSI versions of Edge and Chrome. Any suggestions here? It's getting tiring having to fix this issue for the Post-Setup process almost every time something minute changes elsewhere.