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  1. L

    Guide: Start Menu and Taskbar

    Is there an easy way to create 3 pinned icons in the "Taskbar" for Word, Excel and Powerpoint to an image?
  2. L

    Remote Desktop Requirements

    I also use rustdesk and find it very good. I created a SFX with WinRAR and then have it extract to an absolute path, then created a firewall rule for it as a command in "Post-setup" using this for reference...
  3. L

    News and Interests

    I just wanted to report my usage on this. I tried to disable news and feeds using LPO and the built-in feeds tweak as well as the registry key of "ShellFeedsTaskbarViewMode" and it would still appear. But adding the additional registry key of "HeadlinesOnboardingComplete" seemed to work to get...
  4. L

    Windows 11 Post-Setup install, stuck on "Just a moment"

    As hellbovine said, it's better to create your iso in "versions". I've taken to doing it this way after losing progress on a broken image. I keep 2 previous versions iso saved until I know the image installs correctly.
  5. L

    SetupComplete.cmd Has Duplicated Lines Which Can Cause Hanging at "Just a Moment"

    I know it's a bit anecdotal, but I also did experience this a few days ago (I've created 21 versions of my iso in the last week). 1 out of 21 images just refused to compete installing and I tried it twice on 2 machines, at this point, I had to unload my progress image and start from an iso a few...
  6. L

    Create Multiple User Accounts

    Thank you for the response. Yes, I believe this is an unintended scenario as most administrators should be aware that you cannot have a username equal to the computer name, but in my case of accidentally doing that without noticing straight away, I think NTLite should generate an error or...
  7. L

    Create Multiple User Accounts

    Thanks for your reply. I was actually able to correct it by simply changing the "Group" drop-down list to "Custom" and then manually specifying "Users" under "Custom Group". This would then give the expected result in "Unattended" screen, so I believe it's a bug in NTLite.
  8. L

    Create Multiple User Accounts

    Along this journey of discovery, I found that NTLite won't actually prevent you from creating a user account with the same name as the "Computer name", which is forbidden and caused me some problems before I realised what I had done.
  9. L

    Create Multiple User Accounts

    I'm glad I found this thread as it helped to point me in the right direction for a bug that was occurring when I was creating a deployment image. I was creating 2 local accounts in the NTLite "Unattended" screen, "Teacher" and "Student". I was configuring the teacher account as a member of...