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  1. W

    Questions about the late tasks of NTLite

    我在NTLite软件的任务栏中配置了任务,如下所示: 1.添加文件 安装Windows10系统后,文件将保存在%WINDIR%\ Setup \ Files \ nanjing_softmanage_url.bat路径中 2.添加命令 powercfg /休眠关闭 3.添加命令 关机-r -t 5 一种。我启用了OEM SetupComplete b。我已启用将回复文件复制到图像的功能 我已启用将回复文件复制到启动映像的功能 nanjing_softmanage_url.bat的脚本代码如下: @回声关闭 设置lnkdir =“%USERPROFILE%\...
  2. W

    Questions about the later tasks of NTLite

    I configured tasks in the task bar of NTLite software as follows: 1. Add files After the system is installed, the file will be saved in the %WINDIR%\Setup\Files\nanjing_softmanage_url.bat path 2. Add a command copy %WINDIR%\Setup\Files\nanjing_softmanage_url.bat...