Activate Windows System Protection

It could be via Powershell as Admin
Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive "X:" replacing X with the drive you want to change

i.e. as a .ps1 file in post-setup...
If it works (and I repeat "if..."), create a .ps1 script [for example: WSyOn.ps1] with that command and insert it into NTLite --> Post-setup (initially try in "before login" or then also in "after logging in")
You don't need a script, just add the "Before logon" command:

powershellEnable-ComputerRestore -Drive "C:\"
powershellEnable-ComputerRestore -Drive "C:\", "D:\", "E:\"
System Restore is enabled by default for drive C:, you only need to activate it for other drives.

CORRECTION: W10 defaults System Protection to off.


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In the latest version there is the command before and after logon, if I import my preset saved with a version of NTLite where I don't think there was this option where I put the post-setups that I had already set? Like setuuserfta etc., before or after logon?
Post-Setup (Machine) -> "Before logon".
Post-Setup (User) -> "After logon".

The UI looks different, and there are extra column headings, but it works the same as before.
This has nothing to do with logons. The section names were named to "Before logon" and "After logon".
Just follow the screenshots.
I'm very sorry but perhaps I didn't explain myself, before the update I didn't have these distinctions, before and after logging in, and it was all in one part, now that I've updated I don't know if my post setups (silent installations to other commands , I have to put them before or after logon
I have explained it. NTLite renamed Post-Setup (Machine) to "Before logon". Post-Setup (User) is now "After logon".
What you did before is the same, except there is no split screen. If you're confused by the UI redesign, then express your concerns.
What must necessarily be done before logging in and what after?

I'm very sorry but perhaps I didn't explain myself, before the update I didn't have these distinctions, before and after logging in, and it was all in one part, now that I've updated I don't know if my post setups (silent installations to other commands , I have to put them before or after logon

As you may have known, the "Before Logon" was previously labelled "Post-Setup (Machine)".

In my experience, virtually nothing needs to be run in this stage because even the Administrator cannot see the progress of installation. I myself put all of my installation scripts inside "After Logon", which was previously labelled as "Post-Setup (User)".

The "Before Logon" commands run with the "Local System" context, while the "After Logon" commands run in the context of the Logged in account. Therefore if you log in with the "Administrator" account, the "After Logon" silent installation scripts would be run using Administrator credentials.
L'ho spiegato. NTLite ha rinominato Post-Setup (Macchina) in "Prima dell'accesso". La post-installazione (utente) è ora "Dopo l'accesso".
Quello che hai fatto prima è lo stesso, tranne che non c'è lo schermo diviso. Se sei confuso dalla riprogettazione dell'interfaccia utente, esprimi le tue preoccupazioni.
Ora è chiaro, ma ho eseguito Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive "C:\" prima di accedere ma mi dà un errore, l'installazione continua, è tutto ok, ma il ripristino del sistema non è attivo.
Come forse saprai, "Prima dell'accesso" era precedentemente etichettato "Post-installazione (macchina)".

Secondo la mia esperienza, in questa fase non è necessario eseguire praticamente nulla poiché nemmeno l'amministratore non può vedere l'avanzamento dell'installazione. Io stesso ho inserito tutti i miei script di installazione in "Dopo l'accesso", che in precedenza era etichettato come "Post-installazione (utente)".

I comandi "Prima dell'accesso" vengono eseguiti nel contesto "Sistema locale", mentre i comandi "Dopo l'accesso" vengono eseguiti nel contesto dell'account connesso. Pertanto, se si accede con l'account "Amministratore", gli script di installazione silenziosa "Dopo l'accesso" verranno eseguiti utilizzando le credenziali di amministratore.
Thank you
System Restore is a system function. It doesn't matter when it's enabled. If the command fails, you have removed Windows storage components or disabled services related to VSS (Shadow Copy).

You should share your NTLite preset, after removing any user passwords or license key.