Appx integration not working with .9910 or .9916

Where did you download the packages?

Store version of Firefox (ProductID 9NZVDKPMR9RD):
<Identity Name="Mozilla.Firefox" Publisher="CN=082E9164-EE6C-4EC8-B62C-441FAE7BEFA1" Version="" ProcessorArchitecture="x64" />

HTTP /pub release:
 <Identity Name="Mozilla.MozillaFirefox" Publisher="CN=Mozilla Corporation, OU=Firefox Engineering Operations, O=Mozilla Corporation, L=Mountain View, S=California, C=US" Version="" ProcessorArchitecture="x64" />

I don't think the two are interchangeable MSIX files. You're supposed to integrate the Store (UWP) app.
The original files were downloaded from the store and have been working until I installed NTLite 2024.4.9910.

tested this one with both NTLite 9880 and latest 9925, same result.
No shortcut to the app after install, but it's there deployed and works in:
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Mozilla.MozillaFirefox_125.0.2.0_x64__gmpnhwe7bv608\VFS\ProgramFiles\MozillaFirefox Package Root

Potentially it's the Firefox package that changed in the meantime?
Hello Nuhi, thank you for looking into this issue.

I typically use the Mozilla apps from the Windows store acquired by using Garland's PowerShell GUI script. They have been working without issue up until NTLite .9910 and later. They still currently work fine with .9880.

I have just tried integrating the same two apps manually using PowerShell while the image is mounted in NTLite .9925. I then completed processing of all the other changes in NTLite. After installing on my test VM, the apps are installed and working normally including start menu shortcuts.
Hello Nuhi, thank you for looking into this issue.

I typically use the Mozilla apps from the Windows store acquired by using Garland's PowerShell GUI script. They have been working without issue up until NTLite .9910 and later. They still currently work fine with .9880.

I have just tried integrating the same two apps manually using PowerShell while the image is mounted in NTLite .9925. I then completed processing of all the other changes in NTLite. After installing on my test VM, the apps are installed and working normally including start menu shortcuts.
Thank you for the feedback.
Can you link the exactly the MSIX you test with 9880 that works with shortcuts and all?
If I could have a different result, it would be easy to fix, but to me those two versions behaved identically.
Also which Windows version to use, so we are on the same page.
I am testing with windows 11 Pro 22631.3527 23H2. I am not sure how to link from the MS app store. I used the PowerShell script provided by Garland to download the Firefox and Thunderbird MSIX files.

The exact files names are:
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