[Feature Request] Allow Us to Rename Temp Folder


If we could rename the temp folder, we could easily create our own custom .reg files and import them directly into the hive prior to exporting.

do you mean the temp mount directory, like NTLMount01?
If so, that one is dynamic for a reason, if using multiple instances of NTLite to process more than one image at the time.
Now I could lock it to NTLMount if there is only one, that would make it more deterministic as mostly there is only one (unless boot.wim/winre.wim is loaded while install.wim is still mounted).

However, if we skip to the second point, do you know that current Integrate - Registry page is already doing that, it directly integrates REG files to the hives.
Oops! I forgot about that. I admittedly haven't tried the add function yet because a popular tweaker mentioned in a video that it wasn't reliable. I've also seen some custom iso's that avoid it as well; they make registry changes during post-setup.

Having it lock to NTLMount if there is only one would be great. We could "see" that the changes were made prior to the finishing step.
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First of all the integration itself is reliable - maybe he refers to that before it would deny permission protected keys, but now it supports that as well - let me know if you have a reg that you can import manually but the tool can't.

What also could be is that the method of importing to hives cannot overwrite what Windows does on new user creation, so usually some HKCU values might be restarted.
That's by design, also NTLite supports Post-setup REGs as well, just drop them in Integrate - Reg and post-setup Reg and you did all you can - the rest needs to be reapplied on user logon, and that will be possible in post-setup in v2.1.

Regarding paths, after some more thought, it is the same first mount being NTLMount01 or NTLMount. Meaning go for NTLMount01 if no other images were mounted before it.
Do let me know if you see any unpredictability there.
Is this new?


I have a number of batch scripts written that modify the mounted iso at:


By randomizing the temp folder name, you make this kind of work needlessly difficult. Can we get the old temp folder names back please?
I think this change was needed for more NTLite instances in same time. Seems like same change that was made on preset naming. I think you can extract it from preset file name if you run NTLite and keep image mounted.

And if you have only one image mounted you can simply catch mount directory
FOR /F "tokens=4* delims= " %%I IN ('dism.exe /english /get-mountedimageinfo  ^| findstr /i "dir"') DO SET "MOUNTDIR=%%I"
I think this change was needed for more NTLite instances in same time.
That has been set already and under suggestions, ended like: NLTmpMount##.
I think, but not checked/tested that temp folders numbers match the preset naming.
The preset naming change is for shortening the autosaved preset name. What would be great, is allowing to all of us to set a pre-name in settings for temp folders and presets.

If we have scripts for some OS mounted images we would use also the same naming, lets say:

w7tmp## - autosaved w7##
w8tmp## - autosaved w8##
wXtmp## - autosaved wX##

th1tmp## - autosaved th1##
cutmp## - autosaved cu##
w11tmp## - autosaved w11##

pctoytmp## - autosaved pctoy##
gamingtmp## - autosaved gaming##
turtlepctmp## - autosaved turtle##

Some time ago I used to compare temp folders, the folder paths are saved in recents, it was quick to run the program and open the saved folder paths to compare (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 1-3, 1-4, 2-4), now it seems not possible but looking for the random folder path every time an image is loaded.