NTLite activation question

Hi all,

Can someone please point me to a source that explains NTLite activation? I'm reading conflicting posts, as some say swapping even an external USB disk triggers reactivation, is that right? I often swap external and even internal disks, though my system drive shouldn't change any time in the future unless it dies.

Which hardware parts identify the PC for the purpose of activation?

I understand that there are 5 activations in case my CPU or motherboard changes and buying an annual upgrade resets the activation count back to 5, is this correct?

Thank you!
NTLite identifies your CPU, motherboard, network card, and system disk to create a HW signature.

RAM size, GPU and non-primary disk drives are not monitored. On rare occasions, flashing your BIOS to major revision changes might alter the motherboard's signature. For those cases, Windows licensing would throw a similar error in response.

Your 5 activations can be used in any combination, for the same PC repeatedly if you replaced major components, or for other PC's you own. A renewal includes 5 more activations, which you can choose to renew any existing PC, or choose new PC's to license.

Any expired activation continues to work as before, but will no longer unlock any new features that were introduced after the expiration date. You can download and use newer versions of NTLite to take advantage of bug fixes for your old features.

If you run into activation errors, please email [email protected] for help.
Yeah, I had to buy a new Win 11 license few months back for one of my PCs after a Gigabyte mobo BIOS update, I know the pain :) MS Support was not very supportive. So no more BIOS updates for a while for me :)

So that post about external USB triggering reactivation was not true, and it did sound weird, to be honest, but I had to make sure.

Thanks a bunch for answering my questions on Sunday. Sounds like 5 activations is plenty then . I don't plan on any upgrades except for storage drives so I should be fine.