Presets to create a light version of Windows 10 Professional


New Member

I would like to create a light version of Windows 10 Professional for older pcs.

For now, I set those parameters:

- Deleted all Apps;
- Deleted Cortana;
- Deleted Windows Store;
- Disabled Telemetry;
- Disabled News Taskbar;
- Disabled Windows Search;
- Setting Windows Update to receive only "quality updates" and not also "feature updates".

What else can I do for lighten a windows installation ? Any suggestions is appreciated.
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The roads are endless, it really is just up to you where to draw the line between the time investment versus the results. On a clean install, some of the features that consume the most resources are Defender, OneDrive, SysMain, and Indexer. The Microsoft Store and Windows Update can be troublesome if allowed to run amok. Changing the power plan to High performance makes a big difference too. Check out this guide (link) to get a feel for how other people approach things, so you can start making a to-do list for your own image.
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