Windows 8.1 Pro RDP issue


New Member
G'day all,

This isn't so much an "issue" as potentially user error, but as it has taken me a few hours to figure out I thought I'd post about it and see if anyone had a better way to skin the cat.

I'm taking an unmolested Win8.1 N build 9600 ISO and bending it into a more minimal VM install. Nothing special, and stuff everyone here seems to do before breakfast.

I iteratively ripped bits out, built isos and tested the VM install. I saved a Milestone preset at each stage to keep track. All good until I get it installed on the final machine where when I try to access it over RDP, things go "pear shaped". More accurately "winlogon" dies any time I attempt an RDP connection, causing either a hung connection or dropped connection.

I then re-configure the test bed to ensure network connectivity and backtrack the process to each milestone until I find one where RDP works again. Then progressively rip bits out one at a time until I figure out what I did wrong.

Long story short (too late), what I did was remove the rdp keyboard and mouse drivers. The drivers depend on the RDP server. So I can't remove the server while the drivers are installed, but I can remove the drivers while the server is installed. Leaving the server non-functional.

Specifically the drivers are :

As soon as I added them back to the image, I'm good to go.

Is there some form of "reverse depenency" analysis or something that says "You have the RDP server installed, and for that to work you really want the drivers backing it up" ?

I'm using NTLite if it matters.