
  1. Hellbovine

    Guide: DPC Latency

    Note: This thread was deleted and re-posted with the help of a moderator, to clear the derailment that was taking place. Keep all replies related to the contents of this guide, and do not post about the Nvidia driver bug in this thread. Disagreeing with parts of the guide or someone's reply is...
  2. T

    Build specifically for DAW/Reaper/Audio

    Hi all, new here and am just tinkering with my first couple of builds in NT Lite. Just wondering if anyone else is using NT lite for audio production specifically? I did search "DAW audio" but didnt get much. If i missed something targeted please do point me in the right direction. Im pretty...
  3. D

    Windows 11 - Remove ACPI driver

    Hello people, I looked to the NTLite software to try to solve the dropouts problems with the audio that afflict my pc (Dell Latitude 3500 with Motu Ultralite Mk5 interface). From some tests and verifications, in particular with the sw LatencyMon, I have identified that the ACPI.sys driver is the...
  4. MC_MuHyeon

    Some problems with graphics and audio...

    After some components removal and tweaks on Windows 10 LTSB 2016 Korean (it's not an N version), I've not been able to play video files properly-every time I try to play them with either Media Classic Player (both HC and BE) or DaumPotPlayer, the video plays slowly, freezes, plays slowly again...