Please help me out integrating the latest Cumulative Update of November 12, 2024 i.e, KB5046615 (OS Build 17763.6532) into boot.wim (Windows Setup x64) of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 x64 (en-US).
Tool: v2024.11.10166
ISO: en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_5795bb03.iso (OS...
Need : i dont want a restart pc after setupcomplete.cmd completed.
Problem : In autounattend.xml
Will reboot is already set to Never.
But there is restart happens.
Test :
Im using latest version ntlite
Latest windows 10 21h1 iso ms official.
Created autounattend without changing any...
مرحبا نهوي
Hello @nuhi
هل لديك مشاكل مع الترجمة، في عمل البرنامج، لأن الترجمة هي مزدوجة >>> خلال تطوير البرنامج ؟
Do you have problems with translation , In the work of the program , Because the translation is double >>> during the development of the program?
Thank you شكرا لك
As the picture...
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