
  1. D

    Data usage is broken Windows 11 23H2

    data usage is brocken. and i didnt remove the data usage component can i know how to fix it
  2. H

    SetupComplete.cmd is restarting PC after completion

    Need : i dont want a restart pc after setupcomplete.cmd completed. Problem : In autounattend.xml Will reboot is already set to Never. But there is restart happens. Test : Im using latest version ntlite Latest windows 10 21h1 iso ms official. Created autounattend without changing any...
  3. thamermousa

    هل لديك مشاكل مع الترجمة , Do you have problems with translation

    مرحبا نهوي Hello @nuhi هل لديك مشاكل مع الترجمة، في عمل البرنامج، لأن الترجمة هي مزدوجة >>> خلال تطوير البرنامج ؟ Do you have problems with translation , In the work of the program , Because the translation is double >>> during the development of the program? Thank you شكرا لك As the picture...