SetupComplete.cmd is restarting PC after completion


New Member
Need : i dont want a restart pc after setupcomplete.cmd completed.

Problem : In autounattend.xml
Will reboot is already set to Never.
But there is restart happens.

Test :
Im using latest version ntlite
Latest windows 10 21h1 iso ms official.
Created autounattend without changing any components.
Added auto logon user.
No drivers added.
No component changed.
In post setup just added 7zip silent.
Selected OEM setupcomplete for license
All ok.
But here xml shows will reboot set to never.
But it won't work. I can see message Restarting
After setupcomplete.cmd done. And then my pc restarts again.

post preset if you want help. btw during setup windows restarts itself by default idk maybe 2 times. you cannot prevent that if thats the one you are talking about.
crypticus : i tested using just changed xml without OEM Setupcomelete

It works.

But i want to do this with oem setupcomplete

I run 4 times setupcomplete.cmd runsynchronouscommand
Setupcomelete1.cmd is set will reboot Always
Setupcomelete2.cmd is set will reboot Always
Setupcomelete3.cmd is set will reboot Always
Setupcomelete4.cmd is set will reboot Never

But still it restarting pc when setupcomplete4.cmd is done.

How can i stop that restart.?