After installation there is an Administrator user


New Member
I have this USB with a NTlite win10 installation.

I have had a local user/password in my unattended file.
But I have deleted it and updated my NTlite inst.
it's gone from the unattended file.

But when I install win10 user is installed again.

Is it me who have forgot where I ALSO put this user in my installation... or is it me deleting it wrong from unattended?

it's the local admin account.
And I do have that in my unattended.
But it's now called administrator and not dfv as before and no password.
There is a checkbox to enable "Administrator" user when adding local user on the unattended page, probably enabled that.
That said, start fresh by using a new folder and copying original ISO files in it.
Load a preset and apply, no manual additions afterwards while testing this, then if you see anything not expected, attach your preset for review.
You can't remove Administrator, it's a built-in account. But you can disable it after making another user with Admin rights.
Create new local account (DFV) and make it an admin account. Logout and return as DFV.

Run this command as Administrator CMD:
net user administrator /active:no