Apps suddenly run no more (MSMG ToolKit)

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Windows 10 User

Active Member
My apps (or some of them) suddenly run no more at a random time. Is it because I removed with MSMG ToolKit the Microsoft Quick Assist app, Internet Explorer, OneDrive, Skype Telemetry and Windows Mixed Reality and afterwards with NTLite the Microsoft.AccountsControl, Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml, Microsoft.BingWeather, Microsoft.BioEnrollment, Microsoft.CredDialogHost, Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller, Microsoft.ECApp, Microsoft.GetHelp, Microsoft.Getstarted, Microsoft.LockApp, Microsoft.Messaging, Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer, Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub, Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection, Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes, Microsoft.MSPaint, Microsoft.Office.OneNote, Microsoft.OneConnect, Microsoft.People, Microsoft.PPIProjection, Microsoft.Print3D, Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement, Microsoft.SkypeApp, Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp, Microsoft.Wallet, Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp, Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp, Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal, Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow, Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls, Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost, Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog, Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI, Microsoft.Windows.SecondaryTileExperience, Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser, Microsoft.WindowsAlarms, Microsoft.WindowsCamera, 'Windows Mail', Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub, Microsoft.WindowsMaps, Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder, Microsoft.Xbox.TCU, Microsoft.XboxApp, Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI, Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay, Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider, Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay, Microsoft.ZuneMusic and Microsoft.ZuneVideo apps? Which apps I should've kept? I only wanted to have the Calculator, Photos and Store apps.
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I wouldn't disable Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Service, nuhi says this component is for legacy software that works in Windows older than Vista i think.

You can't see notifications because you disabled the notifications service:
Windows Push Notification Service
Windows Push Notification User Service_5210d3 Service

The same will happen with geolocation if you try to use it because the geolocation service is disabled.
I wouldn't disable Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Service, nuhi says this component is for legacy software that works in Windows older than Vista i think.

You can't see notifications because you disabled the notifications service:
Windows Push Notification Service
Windows Push Notification User Service_5210d3 Service

The same will happen with geolocation if you try to use it because the geolocation service is disabled.

Well, I don't know if I have that old software but doesn't NTLite itself says that it's obsolete (regarding Windows 10) and it can safely be disabled?

So, it isn't because I disabled the notifications or they are different notifications?

But I don't need Geolocation so that's what I wanted to happen.
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If you don't want notifications, disabling the services is the best thing to do and it affects to all users while the options in the app Settings disables the notifications for current user.

You are on your own for today.
If you don't want notifications, disabling the services is the best thing to do and it affects to all users while the options in the app Settings disables the notifications for current user.

You are on your own for today.

Ok, thanks! That's strange since I still had the notification above the taskbar saying that the Security Center service was disabled after I disabled not only the notifications but also the Windows Push Notification services until I found out that in spite of the notifications being disabled the senders' notifications were not which means that disabling the notifications but not disabling the senders' notifications will make users still getting some of them so I had to reactivate notifications, disable all the senders' notifications and finally disable the notifications. All this with the Windows Push Notification services disabled, which is ever weirder, so maybe I just need to disable all the notifications options and not only both Windows Push Notification Services.

EDIT: I no longer have the apps not opening issue.
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