Battery not detected


I don't know where I went wrong, if anyone can help.
I'm updating the Bios and it doesn't update because the message appears that the battery and charger must be connected. In the right corner of Windows it shows that the charger is connected, but it does not show the battery.


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I have no idea why your battery isn't reported, unless you removed Windows Notifications. Does your PC vendor not have a bootable USB to flash BIOS updates?
Maybe it's missing the Push Notification Service?
<c>pushnotificationssvc 'Serviço de Notificações Push do Windows (Sistema)'</c>
The warning that the battery or power cable is not connected comes from the Bios program, not from Windows. I think this might be because I disabled Hibernation in NTLite, I'll check here, thanks for the support.
Hibernation is a Windows feature. This doesn't affect your BIOS, because you can run Linux or another OS which doesn't have hibernation.
Maybe your laptop's battery has expired from old age.
Hibernation is a Windows feature. This doesn't affect your BIOS, because you can run Linux or another OS which doesn't have hibernation.
Maybe your laptop's battery has expired from old age.
Exactly, I disconnected the battery cable and reconnected it again, everything was fine!