[BUG] Pagefile not disabled


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The last two updates do not disable pagefile.sys despite using it in the settings.
You have to manually disable it after installing the system.
Going back three updates does not cause this error.
The last two updates do not disable pagefile.sys despite using it in the settings.
You have to manually disable it after installing the system.
Going back three updates does not cause this error.
Yeah, nuhi is informed
"Problem" appeared with the last CU it would seem

We tested the command in Live, but it doesn't delete the files either, forced to validate the option in Windows settings
Will check and reply back, thanks.
The last two updates do not disable pagefile.sys despite using it in the settings.
You have to manually disable it after installing the system.
Going back three updates does not cause this error.
Cannot replicate, tested it on C:\Windows and image deployed, both had pagefile disabled.
In the tool I set it as description indicates, '-' on the drive for Disabled.

Do you have a preset demonstrating it not working, and on which Windows version?
Cannot replicate, tested it on C:\Windows and image deployed, both had pagefile disabled.
In the tool I set it as description indicates, '-' on the drive for Disabled.

Do you have a preset demonstrating it not working, and on which Windows version?
I took the picture three times and it was the same every time.
I also set it as you wrote, i.e. "-"
I was supposed to take pictures but when I went back to version NtLite 2024.12.10221 and it works fine, I didn't want to go back (it's a pity I didn't do it), I'll check it again when I have time.
I used:
nuhi Same problem with last CU and 24h2 and these settings (same as before)

Capture.PNG Capture2.PNG

The settings are applied correctly but the 2 files are present in C
Obliged to re-validate in the Windows settings

No problem with previous CUs (if there is a link)
1. Windows decides on which default pagefile(s) to create, based on the PagingFiles key:
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]
"PagingFiles"=hex(7): ...
Where the byte array is a list of null-terminated strings, naming every pagefile to be created.

By default, every install image sets this to "?:\pagefile.sys". Windows will create a pagefile on the system drive, with a starting size based on how much physical RAM is detected. You can list multiple pagefiles in the REG_MULTI_SZ entry, or none at all.

2. NTLite v2024.12.10221 does this correctly (as a null list):


3. v2025.01.10271 simply deletes the key (leaving Windows to figure it out by itself):


This bug isn't dependent on what Windows release you're editing. NTLite does this to W10 images.

UPDATE: nuhi corrected my reg file's trailing double bytes. abbodi86 always calls me out on this detail. :rolleyes:

Workaround: You can remove the pagefile by using this reg file added in Registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]
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I took the picture three times and it was the same every time.
I also set it as you wrote, i.e. "-"
I was supposed to take pictures but when I went back to version NtLite 2024.12.10221 and it works fine, I didn't want to go back (it's a pity I didn't do it), I'll check it again when I have time.
I used:
Make sure to save me the preset to test, as I could not see any problems.
Indeed, tested with an old version of NTLite, and NTLite adds this key

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Not added with the latest versions of NTLite and same preset
nuhi Same problem with last CU and 24h2 and these settings (same as before)

View attachment 13729 View attachment 13730

The settings are applied correctly but the 2 files are present in C
Obliged to re-validate in the Windows settings

No problem with previous CUs (if there is a link)
So when you check the settings, pagefile is disabled, but C:\pagefile.sys and C:\swapfile.sys are there?

Tested it and yes confirmed that Windows didn't delete those even if disabled (it's confirmed being disabled in Windows Settings).

Will check what's missing to delete disabled pagefile, thanks.
Fixed for the next update, will post here when uploaded these days, waiting for more changes.
Fix uploaded in latest, let me know if all good now regarding this.