Can't Dual-Boot on custom iso.


I don't have really an explanation but if i single boot on a computer the iso works fine, but as soon as i install a dual boot with other windows it automaticly goes to "Cant startup, need to repair" screen.

Will leave the preset
Lemme say it like this.

Disk 0=1st Windows (custom iso)
Disk1= Empty
Everything works
Disk 0=1st Windows (custom iso)
Disk1= Normal iso

Disk0 no longer boots

Not a Disk problem, cause on every test machine i tested it stops working right as i install second windows
Other Problem i just discovered, on gigabyte Bios, the iso doesnt work, shows same error as soon as it restarts after installing, and gets stuck on boot logo.

It's weird cause ntlite doesn't mess with the boot file i guess maybe nuhi knows something abt it.

PS: on the gigabytes benchs every had bios updated and boot settings all well set up
Not mixing already tried both on UEFI or Legacy, Im wondering if Recovery Agent got corrupted anyhow, cause on NTLITE thats the only option that mentions Dual boot...1642717110139.png
It's weird cause ntlite doesn't mess with the boot file i guess maybe nuhi knows something abt it.
Have you tried the non-edited ISO and it was different, or this is a general Windows question?

It's true this is unexpected from the point of NTLite, potential only if removing Windows Recovery Agent, but you don't, so I'm out of ideas that garlin didn't mention.
Maybe Secure Boot, but it also isn't removed and you stated that BIOS mode was the same.

Let me know how it goes with the non-edited ISO, so I know if I must prepare this scenario and see for myself.

Other Problem i just discovered, on gigabyte Bios, the iso doesnt work, shows same error as soon as it restarts after installing, and gets stuck on boot logo.
What do you mean Gigabyte BIOS, compared to what, UEFI mode of that same machine works, on another machine even the BIOS mode works or?
Maybe understanding this, where it doesn't even install one deployment, would help us pin-point the cause.

I'll try to be simple.

Lets say you dont have anything on both disks, they are both empty, you load up the boot usb drive and install the custom iso,it installs and everything is fine,if you try to install a second windows, a normal one , it installs yeh, but as soon as restarts the pc it goes for the recovery screen, even with bootmenu display enabled, you can't choose the windows you want to load up, just instantly goes for the recovery screen. tried everything possible tried installing either way, first installing the normal iso and then the custom one and recovery screen all over again
And I forgot to mention when you have dual boot if you delete all the partitions from the second windows and restart pc its all good, back to custom windows and no recovery screen
Update: I tried installing custom iso with custom iso and it works fine, im trying again with custom iso / normal iso, i made one change on the iso and im thinking it could be that idk, i had a post setup bat running to shutdown -r 100 to apply all the changes in the first login, i deleted that and managed to login on the second boot, now i will try installing a normal iso.
nuhi somehow it worked,atleast on my bench, will try on some other benchs and will give an update again
legit just deleted the command xD
nuhi nope. It still happens , now its not about dual boot, let me say it like this, with my custom iso i install it and it boots fine, you can do whatever you want but if you restart the pc it goes right to the recovery screen or gets stuck on bios logo, only when you restart the pc, can u check that out? the preset is up there.
I'm under the impression your EFI boot partition is corrupted.

Boot from ISO, stop at the first menu and open a CMD prompt (shift-F10). Run diskpart and delete all your Disk0 partitions. Continue with install and allow Windows to create the disk layout.
garlin and nuhi you are not gonna believe what the problem was, both clients were on a x570 pro Aorus and latest bios cause I updated them to, but apparently bios F35D somehow doesn’t boot custom windows, so I degraded to an 2020 AMD 3rd generation update and somehow it worked with same settings than before
garlin and nuhi you are not gonna believe what the problem was, both clients were on a x570 pro Aorus and latest bios cause I updated them to, but apparently bios F35D somehow doesn’t boot custom windows, so I degraded to an 2020 AMD 3rd generation update and somehow it worked with same settings than before
Since you already commented similar because of the reboot in the post-setup, and as far as I understood a custom image works normally on its own, it's a big stretch that bios update influences dual boot only.
Also I see many tricky things in the post-setup, try with it completely empty to begin with, especially without touching the bcdedit stuff.

If you see that the same happens without post-setup, upload that new preset and let me know to try it.
My task would consist of deploying that ISO, then start setup.exe from it installed and install another on another partition. Expecting a recovery prompt on first reboot or so.

I forgot to tell you, the dual boot wasn’t working cause it would get stuck, thats why this whole thing started, but the iso on the , let’s call it aorus machine, only booted when creating the windows from the usb, as soon as you restarted it would get stuck or go to recovery screen, spent last night 5 hours messing around csm and secure boot and removing usbs and cmos etc etc , and we remembered to degrade bios and as soon as the pc booted it went right into the custom windows no problem, we tried again with the latest bios and didn’t work again xD so it’s a bios problem I guess
Your UEFI might be picky about driver signatures. The reason your custom ISO boots is you didn't add any outside drivers. Windows' default drivers are correctly signed by MS. I'm assuming you installed more drivers before rebooting.

Test this theory by resetting UEFI to factory defaults, then install from the custom ISO, and reboot the fresh install w/o any new drivers.
I don’t know if it’s related but I have some post setup batches and other commands running on the 1st boot and then a shutdown /r command, can those batches be doing that ?