Can't install Windows 11: PC doesn't meet requirements



With latest version of windows 11 build 282, this error appear, i was disable tpm check with ntlite but still not luck nor replace or delete appraiserres.dll, currently tested with virtualbox, i was check bypass registry key was integrate as well, anyone have same issue?


hi i know this problem. since nuhi did not add bypass storage check, virtual box creates 50gb storage by default. but for windows 11 you need atleast idk 62gb. so create 70gb storage to be sure and see how it goes. also u might want to use idk 4 cores for bypasscpucheck. and 4-8gb ram

i think nuhi only added secureboot and tpm bypasses

your screen shots mean nothing because you need to integrate to boot.wim via ntlite.
The most recent build has StorageCheck as a new setting above TPM. Windows normally expects 64 GB.
I ran into the same problem a week ago. The stupid error page doesn't say which requirement(s) failed.
would setting a VB vm disk size to "dynamic" be a better option than specifying size?

yes yes we already set it to virtual hdd and set it to changable but to show windows something you set the GB as 50-60gb.. vmbox doesnt take up that space