Changelog and following


Active Member
Among the innovations introduced starting from version 8033+, the following seem not to work:
1) Settings: Telemetry - Security setting expanded to include Disabling settings (setting "Security | Disable" in NTLITE): remain enable;
2) Settings: 'Meet Now - taskbar widget' (setting "Disabled" in NTLITE) remains Enable
3) Settings: 'News And Interests - taskbar widget' (setting "Disabled" in NTLITE) remains Enable.

Then these problems are solved in post installation with scripts or procedures (O & OSU) but I wanted to report the problem.
Is there a solution considering that even with the 8041 the problems remain?

Another small bug in the Italian translation:
4) <S2507> Acoda </S2507> should be translated to "Accoda" (due c)
