Chrome post-install not working


New Member
Hello, waited to do fairly thorough testing before posting, but I am having issues getting the Chrome enterprise MSI to install. I have tried to install both with MSIEXEC.exe added as command under post install; as well as putting this into a batch file. I also tried running the MSI directly with command switches with both of these methods, with no success. I was able to get a batch file to work both ways, and I have not had any problems either running the commands in an admin powershell myself or the batch files. From what I can see, the command appears to be failing because I have turned on installer logging, so if the command ran, it would at least generate a log file which does not happen on install. Any idea how to narrow down what's happening? Here's a sample of the current command, which works inside of a batch file:

c:\clientapps\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /q /l "c:\clientapps\chromeinstall.log"
Sure, here's one of the most recent copies.


  • Auto-saved session {BC5050EE-4D97-44C7-B80F-D327A399C069}.xml
    5.8 KB
Where are located the folders clientapps, upload and users when setup is running?

If the drive where Windows is being installed is not formatted, than there should be a command that finds the location but if the drive is being formatted, the commands are doing nothing.

Is recommended to copy the files that will be installed to "\sources\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" and call them from there.

Then you can have:
"call ChromeInstallSilent.bat" instead of "c:\ClientApps\ChromeInstallSilent.bat"
"GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /q /l "c:\clientapps\chromeinstall.log"" instead of "c:\clientapps\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /q /l "c:\clientapps\chromeinstall.log""

But i prefer to use short names.
They are in the C drive. I think the drive should be formatted at the point that these are running; as the Adobe and Lenovo update install that are also in that folder both work. Lenovo installer is an exe with silent switches and Adobe was set up with their tool to be a silent install from the exe. I have no problem putting Chrome in differently though if it works that way. I just put them in a folder in the OS so that technicians have easy access to anything should it need anything done manually in the future.