Components Removals Size


New Member
can you add a button to get real removal size of each component instead of an estimate
in Components Removals some components don't have a size and some are incorrect
There are real sizes being listed on removal, expand the Components on the Apply page as they are being removed, or see in the log.
There are few issues with predicting or showing sizes:
- sometimes a connected component might remove bits of another, if they are both getting removed, so to get precisely the size of a single component, best is to run only its removal.
- Windows Updates bits are tied to each component and depending what cumulative update does that month, or you have integrated more than one, the size will increase.
- different Windows versions, I am only tracking the latest when adding new sizes, not gonna spend time on all of them as it's just informative to know which ones are the biggest.
- Predicting size before removals would take processing time and no real benefit as far as I can see.

i know i can see removed size after applying
i meant seeing the removing size in component tab before removing it
as for component sharing files you can add minimum and maximum remove size
for calculating removing size you can add a Calculate button that will simulate removing item and then update minimum and maximum remove size of each component and warn before calculating that it will take time
or you can add simulate apply and after applying, update removing size from simulated apply

or you can at least save removed size for each component in a file and in next loading display that size instead of default size you have
It seems like too much work (programming code and tests).
for calculating removing size you can add a Calculate button that will simulate removing item and then update minimum and maximum remove size of each component and warn before calculating that it will take time

or you can at least save removed size for each component in a file and in next loading display that size instead of default size you have
There are real sizes being listed on removal, expand the Components on the Apply page as they are being removed, or see in the log.

For the "add a Calculate button" if it happens, would be better a checkbox that save the setting to remember as it does when applying the selected tasks. If this happen of adding the size to a file, would be awesome that it could display the total approximate size of every other unchecked component.

There are two important things for me:
Remove all crap unneeded like telemetry and reporting
Know the size of the components that takes more hdd/ssd drive space and would innecessary to keep.