Domain Join hangs if no network connection


New Member
I'm testing an image install offline and have it set to join a domain, I have the timeout period set to 2 minutes but it does not work. It just sits there forever, and I have to shift+F10 and taskkill djoin.exe in order for the install to complete.

I am not sure what the results would be if connected to a network, but not the domain network. Perhaps it would actually fail after 2 minutes then - but I need to test offline so that nothing gets activated.

When connected to the proper network the domain join seems to work fine. Only when not connected to any internet it has begun to give me problems.
Well it will keep trying to connect for a certain about of time. it will skip that process if it cannot make a successful network connectio.

I ended up doing a bat file to set the class ID in order to get the right connection.
That's the thing, it never stops trying - even overnight I have to kill djoin.exe in the morning lol
That's the thing, it never stops trying - even overnight I have to kill djoin.exe in the morning lol
Oh. i never had that happen to me. it always skips it and wait for me to enter my password for the local account i had it create.