Hello, feedback on some bugs and suggestions I have found

Mr. Yu

I love extreme simplification and have encountered some confusing aspects during the process, so I am here to provide feedback for a better experience during the simplification process, I usually simplify and then re-simplify,please understand that there may be some grammatical problems in my translation
Small bug:
* 3D audio and the field adjustment DSP are bound together, equivalent to one component, one cannot be removed separately, they can only be removed together or retained together. After you delete one of them, both of them appear when you reopen them. After all of them are deleted, neither of them will appear
*The screensaver cannot be removed. Although the components in ntlite disappear, the screensaver background can still be set when entering the system, and it can be used by screensaver applications such as 360 ads
*Accumulated Update Cache (LCU) cannot be removed after integrating new system patches
*windows mail conmmunications DLL cannot be removed, and his branch windows mail can be removed

*Hook the XboxGame core with the XboxGameUI, and when removing the XboxGame core, a prompt will appear indicating whether to remove the XboxGameUI. Without the XboxGame core, XboxGameUI and other Xbox related components cannot be used
*The Windows feature experience package (client. cbs) is really annoying. It cannot be removed, and forced removal can cause various problems with Windows. Therefore, it is protected by ntlite. Dism is related to CBS and Windows desktops. I suggest deleting it or locking it for compatibility. The recommended template should be changed from yellow to red, indicating that it is important
*Windows troubleshooting relies on diagnostics and troubleshooting. It should be noted after this component that removing it will also remove troubleshooting. Can troubleshooting be added to the diagnostics and troubleshooting branch and removed separately? I want to remove the troubleshooter, but I want to keep disk detection and so on
*Removing the clipboard user service will remove components such as the clipboard history viewer. It should not be just a "service". Its Chinese comments are written as a "solution" rather than a component, and it is annotated as green. The clipboard is very important and should not be listed as green. Green is usually removed by beginners, even if it has a minor impact on the system
*Add compatibility lock to enterprise network. Enterprises need distributed link tracking client, direct access connection, netlog, and permission management support for authentication components
*Changing Microsoft edge update from red to yellow is not that important, and no one would use such a bulky and heavily advertised browser. Streamlining systems typically removes edges

*A branch of windows Firewall services The comment behind windows Firewall is to simply remove the firewall UI and disable the firewall, does removing this component not remove the firewall's files? Is it just the firewall UI? I'm a perfectionist, and I have a psychological barrier to this question
*Is the security center in the distributed transaction coordinator the security and maintenance center in the control panel? He said he relied on defender. It should be marked at the end

These are my personal thoughts and suggestions. Some issues, such as corporate networking advice, are everyday use in my region here and may not apply in Europe. If there is anything inappropriate in my feedback, you can put my post at the end, thanks again for checking.
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*The Windows feature experience package (client. cbs) is really annoying. It cannot be removed, and forced removal can cause various problems with Windows. Therefore, it is protected by ntlite. Dism is related to CBS and Windows desktops. I suggest deleting it or locking it for compatibility. The recommended template should be changed from yellow to red, indicating that it is important
Client.CBS does not have anything to do with DISM or Windows servicing. "Component Based Servicing" is used in the internal package name to indicate the Desktop experience is installed as an overlay on top of the W10 code. Removing it breaks the Desktop in the sense it returns to the original W10 experience.

Previously, NTLite made it harder to remove Client.CBS, but then too many users complained about the restriction.
Some users complain it's too easy to remove. Some complain it's too hard to remove. In the end, NTLite is about giving you choices.
Client.CBS 与 DISM 或 Windows 服务没有任何关系
Well, I misremember, I have a software called dism++, which is dependent on the lower level of cbs, not on dism
Some users complain it's too easy to remove
I finally know why "windows backup" in the system can not be deleted, it is really very important. Is there a way for ntlite to unlock client.cbs and remove the app separately? This must be part of it. How does windows pe remove this application? He must have done more than hide. It's not available in our area and it's really annoying to watch.
Windows Backup app is not a separate component, it is a bundled app inside Client.CBS.

For uneducated users, they learn to remove Client.CBS to get rid of Windows Backup, but that breaks the Desktop. Appx packages are protected by a digitally signed manifest, so it's hard to remove selected apps inside the parent Client.CBS package. You can hide the app once, but if Client.CBS is updated then you will have major problems.

Some users overrride file permissions and delete Windows Backup's files, but it doesn't remove it from the All Apps menu. UWP app architecture is very different from the normal Win32.

It' may be possible to hide the App by modifying "\Windows\System32\IntegratedServicesRegionPolicySet.json", but I haven't tested it.
Hello, is it possible to increase web compatibility for businesses? It's important to me, if it's not important to most people then I won't mention the idea in the future(It is translated as raise, I mean increase, in the sense of going from less to more, not low to high。)
Just integrated the latest patch for ltsc2019 and there is no client.cbs here, it seems that only newer systems depend on the cbs, 2019 is still best for older machines