How Do I Change Default Wallpaper?

Roger. So the next question then, is it possible for NTLite to just build in a workaround for this, so that while using the program on live installs or mounted images you never run into the problem, or is that more trouble than it's worth?
NTLite handles Permissions as required.
I guess I'm confused then. One of the replies said, "Done, but it gives me permission problems delete the ones that exist", but if he was using NTLite to delete it, then it didn't handle permissions, right? Sorry, I'm not trying to be daft, just hoping to clarify what's happening.
NTLite does the permission stuff for the tasks it needs to do, user actions like manually adding or deleting files from a mounted image need to be done elevated with power run.
NTLite runs as Administrator, which can overwrite all files except those protected by TrustedInstaller. When you run DISM (NTLite or by hand), it calls on TrustedInstaller service to proxy the rights to protected files. DISM works on packages and drivers, but it doesn't replace individual files.
TrustedInstaller is used to protect critical Windows files (kernel files, driver store, etc), but oddly includes the default wallpaper and icons.

Given the options, it's cleaner and more secure to use elevation tools than changing permissions -- because NO ONE reverts them to the original form. That opens a security problem, because once you learn the trick you blindly apply it to all protected files
Used that info:
Is not good, garlin?
Used that info:
Is not good, garlin?
That's the same instructions as post #15. It works, but should be avoided.

Why? Too much copy/paste for editing one file, and it opens a new security problem because nobody REMOVES the new permission.
This means a virus or broken script running as your normal account can mess up a file with no effort.

If you don't care about system security, go ahead.
TrustedInstaller is used to protect critical Windows files (kernel files, driver store, etc), but oddly includes the default wallpaper and icons.

Given the options, it's cleaner and more secure to use elevation tools than changing permissions -- because NO ONE reverts them to the original form. That opens a security problem, because once you learn the trick you blindly apply it to all protected files.
My guess is the reason why wallpaper and icons are included in protected windows files is it prevent troll malware from changing it to something unsavory or an invisible cursor haha
That's the same instructions as post #15. It works, but should be avoided.

Why? Too much copy/paste for editing one file, and it opens a new security problem because nobody REMOVES the new permission.
This means a virus or broken script running as your normal account can mess up a file with no effort.

If you don't care about system security, go ahead.
So now I can revoke the permissions I gave to that Screen folder?
takeown /f "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /r /d y
icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /t

icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" /t
icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /remove:g "%USERNAME%":(F) /t
takeown /f "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /r /d y
icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /t

icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" /t
icacls "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /remove:g "%USERNAME%":(F) /t
Tried takeown /f "D:\NTLite\Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /r /d y ,but have sintaxic error. :-(
I removed the lock backgrounds from the Screen folder. When the ISO starts on a new PC, the locked screen that I have set appears, but after a while it changes to another. (I removed all photos from: Screen, Wallpaper and 4K
Content Delivery Manager is downloading new wallpaper. You can disable it thru Settings, or simply remove the component. Removing CDM also prevents suggested Store apps from pinning to the Start Menu.
I was right the first time -- it's "/d y". You're running this as Administrator?

C:\Windows\system32>takeown /f "G:\src\NTLite\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" /r /d y
SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "G:\src\NTLite\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web" now owned by user "Y50-70\GARLIN".
SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "G:\src\NTLite\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web\4K" now owned by user "Y50-70\GARLIN".
"Yes" and "No" are localized.
TAKEOWN [/S sistema [/U nombre_usuario [/P [contraseña]]]]
        /F nombre de archivo [/A] [/R [/D pregunta]]

    /D      pregunta             Respuesta predeterminada usada cuando el
                                 usuario actual no tiene el permiso "listar
                                 carpeta" en un directorio. Esto ocurre al
                                 trabajar de manera recursiva (/R) con
                                 subdirectorios. Son valores válidos "S" para
                                 tomar posesión y "N" para omitir.

takeown /r /d sen Español
takeown /r /d oen Français
takeown /r /d jauf Deutsch
Changed the wallpaper in the Temp\NLTmpMnt01\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.JPG and after install I can see the file in that location but still it is loading the default wallpaper.