how to add windows iso update

it sounds like you want automatic updates turned on so it updates AFTER windows is installed, or thats the jist of what im reading ?
you are not really making any sense to be honest..... you dont want to intergrate updates, and you dont want automatic updates turned on to update. can you be more clearer ?
It doesn't really happen, it steals my update time from the settings. I want the $oem$ file to automatically install the update while windows is in installation.
Im at a total loss of how you have flipped 360 on this. yo NOW want the updates to install DURING installation. as far as im aware, NTLITE only slipstreams the updates into the distro, not the $OEM$ folder. so i think you may actually be confused as to what you want done yourself.
you are confused my friend. NOW you are talking about wanting an $OEM$ folder.......... that has absolutely nothing to do with the screenshots you are posting.

(and yes, i do know how to use google translate )