Image not boot 23H2

Hello. Happy new year to all!
I have an issue. When I select preset Lite and try to boot windows I go through all stuff like select region, language, user and all that and when I finish all setup the setup restarts from the begining and image is stuck in a loop, can't boot. I made the same stuff exatly, disable components I not need like discord and other but haven't this issue with Win 11 22H2 and Win 10 21h2. What could be the issue? thanks :)

edit: boots with gaming preset
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Share your preset please might be because of oem setupcomplete toggle
it's not that, setup is complete and iso is created properly. I think the Lite preset removes some stuff from 23H2 that is essential for image to boot after setup is complete, that's why setup goes in loop again.
I created a new 23H2 Pro image right now, using the Lite template. It installed w/o problems. You probably have other issues, which is why we ask for a copy of your preset to confirm your edits.
hmm... Maybe becouse i disabled all privacy stuff in settings? But again, same stuff 100% worked on 22H2. I can't post preset becouse I deleted the whole iso becouse I made new one with game preset
The whole point of keeping your preset is to confirm you didn't "forget" an important detail when reporting a problem. Without it, if the problem can't be recreated from a clean ISO, then we only have your story.

Most of the time if installation loops around, it's because you made Unattended or Post-Setup errors.
The whole point of keeping your preset is to confirm you didn't "forget" an important detail when reporting a problem. Without it, if the problem can't be recreated from a clean ISO, then we only have your story.

Most of the time if installation loops around, it's because you made Unattended or Post-Setup errors.
Yeah you were right about the preset not posting it, I know...
but I never do unnatended setup nor post installing programs in the iso, I prefer to do it that stuff by myself.
Again same stuff I do with deselecting components and after that selecting preset works with 22H2 but not on 23H2, this is about Lite preset.
Deselcting same components and chose Gaming preset works on 23H2.
I tried this stuff even with previous build of Ntlite but same result.
My guess is that Lite preset remove some stuff that is needed for image to boot after the setup, but the setup goes in loop instead with windows logo appearing. I asked becouse maybe there is something that works different with 23H2.
There's nothing in the Template removals that will prevent Windows from completing installation, or rebooting. 23H2 is basically 22H2 with a different user UI (Enablement Package). I'm not doubting you've had troubles, but at this point, I have yet to recreate one of these reports using a clean ISO and literally nothing but the template.
There's nothing in the Template removals that will prevent Windows from completing installation, or rebooting. 23H2 is basically 22H2 with a different user UI (Enablement Package). I'm not doubting you've had troubles, but at this point, I have yet to recreate one of these reports using a clean ISO and literally nothing but the template.
will try again and post the preset file in this thread later today.
Hello guys. I tried again to make the iso with Lite preset and sadly result is the same. Setup goes in loop when it has to end and boot to image. What I noticed though is that after setting three security questions with answers, the menu about location, diagnostic data etc. is different between the lite and gaming preset. WIth lite menu is like with 22H2 and with 23H2 gaming preset these stuff comes one by one, first page is for location, and few pages after that and then image boot. But with Lite preset these options are all in one page like previous versions of the windows. I post the auto saved file and I hope some can tell me why image is not booting. Thanks to all!


Hello guys. I tried again to make the iso with Lite preset and sadly result is the same. Setup goes in loop when it has to end and boot to image. What I noticed though is that after setting three security questions with answers, the menu about location, diagnostic data etc. is different between the lite and gaming preset. WIth lite menu is like with 22H2 and with 23H2 gaming preset these stuff comes one by one, first page is for location, and few pages after that and then image boot. But with Lite preset these options are all in one page like previous versions of the windows. I post the auto saved file and I hope some can tell me why image is not booting. Thanks to all!
I had a similar problem. Do not uninstall Sensor service. <c>sensorservice 'Sensors - Service'</c>
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You're not using Unattended mode. Which means if you follow the OOBE screens, and don't use any bypass trick, Windows will force you to use a MS Account for your logon. This template removes the 'Passport' component required for MS Accounts.

I had a similar problem. Do not uninstall Sensor service. <c>sensorservice 'Sensors - Service'</c>
Sensor service may be required if you have a laptop or tablet. It controls screen auto-rotation. Not needed for a desktop.
You're not using Unattended mode. Which means if you follow the OOBE screens, and don't use any bypass trick, Windows will force you to use a MS Account for your logon. This template removes the 'Passport' component required for MS Accounts.

Sensor service may be required if you have a laptop or tablet. It controls screen auto-rotation. Not needed for a desktop.
I have a desktop PC and unfortunately if I remove the sensor service the installation will not work unless I use the automatic install. I’ll also add on Windows 11 22H2, starting from the November update, the installation also does not work if you remove the sensor service.
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