Install Printers and Fonts from Post-Setup?


New Member
Printers and Fonts can be installed from the Automate -> Post-Installation section?. I pasted the folder with Drivers in C:/Printers_Drivers and fonts C:/Fonts

Printer drivers with unattended (silent install) options, can be added to Post-Setup.

The real problem is finding the undocumented install flags, since most vendors don't share them on their support sites. Look around on support forums or Reddit for help. You should test the unatttended command from a CMD window.

Fonts can be copied to new folder "sources\$OEM$\$$\Fonts".

Copied fonts must be added to the registry. I run fontreg from Post-Setup, which scans the Fonts folder for changes.
Adding fonts to CMD or Terminal will require other registry tweaks, which can be integrated by a reg file.
Running fontreg, with no arguments, will force a scan of C:\Windows\Fonts folder and update the Windows font library.
say you have a direct on partition E: in the usb stick called fonts would I say "fontreg E:\Fonts"?
From the readme.txt:
If you... FontReg.exe without any command-line switches:

  * FontReg will remove any stale font registrations in the registry.
  * FontReg will repair any missing font registrations for fonts located in
    the C:\Windows\Fonts directory (this step will be skipped for .fon fonts if
    FontReg cannot determine which fonts should have "hidden" registrations). FontReg.exe with the /copy or /move switch:

  * FontReg will install all files with a .fon, .ttf, .ttc, or .otf file
    extension located in the CURRENT DIRECTORY (which might not necessarily be
    the directory in which FontReg is located).  Installation will entail
    copying/moving the files to C:\Windows\Fonts and then registering the fonts.
  * FontReg will remove any stale font registrations in the registry.
  * FontReg will repair any missing font registrations for fonts located in
    the C:\Windows\Fonts directory (this step will be skipped for .fon fonts if
    FontReg cannot determine which fonts should have "hidden" registrations).

FontReg.exe is intended as a replacement for Microsoft's outdated fontinst.exe,
and like fontinst.exe, FontReg.exe is fully silent--it will not print messages,
pop up dialogs, etc.; the process exit code will be 0 if there was no error.

FontReg.exe doesn't take a path argument for copying or moving fonts, it searches relative to its current directory.
If this was expressed as a batch command:
cd E:\Fonts && C:\path\to\FontReg.exe /copy

But scripting this method is more work than is necessary. The easy solution is to create an $OEM$ folder inside the ISO distribution, which gets copied to C:\Windows\Fonts, and then run FontReg.exe in Post-Setup (with no arguments).

1. Create a new folder "\sources\$OEM$\$$\Fonts" in the extracted ISO folder. This maps to C:\Windows\Fonts.
2. Copy your font files into this new folder.
3. From Post-Setup (Before logon), add FontReg.exe program as a File. Do not provide any optional arguments for it.
4. Apply changes to the ISO.

If you later wanted to switch fonts, make changes to the USB drive's "\sources\$OEM$\$$\Fonts" folder. FontReg (with no arguments) will find and update the current list of fonts with whatever it finds in C:\Windows\Fonts.
Normally you take an ISO file, and use 7-Zip (or whatever) to extract the contents to a local folder. From NTLite, you add the extracted folder as your working source. Are you just editing a plain ISO directly from NTLite? That's harder than doing the extracted folder.

When you're done, NTLite can create a replacement ISO file out of the image folder.
I am creating A ISO from an edited ISO , Can I just put the $$\$\Fonts in the NTlite temp folder would this work? John