KB5034441 Error after February Update


The same error occured, 0x80070643 after doing a host refresh. Once the February update was reinstalled, then kb5034441 was reapplied, the error no longer exists.
After examining the software distribution folder, I found the following file; WinREUpdateInstaller_2401B_amd64.exe. However this file is not part of the downloads update from NTLITE; I examined the file with 7zip and here are the contents;

  1. SSU-19041.3745-x64.cab
  2. windows10.0-kb5034232-x64.cab
  3. windows10.0-kb5034441-x64.cab
  4. WinREAgent.dll
  5. WinREServicingMetadata.xml
  6. WinREUpdateInstaller.exe
Can I apply this update to NTlite
I tried adding the above file WinREUpdateInstaller_2401B_amd64.exe, however NTLITE indicates the file is not supported.