Microsoft edge is always set as the default browser for opening htm and html after using remove reinstalls

microsoft edge is always set as the default browser for opening htm and html after using remove reinstalls when i previously set chrome.
Thanks for the report, noticed something similar, but thought it's due to the host refresh.
Will fix if it's remove reinstalls, posting here when I have more info these days.
Removing Edge won't restore the previous browser preference, or file associations. There is no saved history to know what to restore.

Try one of Christoph Kolbicz's tools:

but i didn't even remove edge.

Thanks for the report, noticed something similar, but thought it's due to the host refresh.
Will fix if it's remove reinstalls, posting here when I have more info these days.

in my case remove reinstalls always causes this issues. i've never used host refresh and don't even know what it is.