NTLite batch programming


Well-Known Member
Hi i would like to see a feature to link presets to editions in a single wim file... I want ntlite to handle edits by applying specified presets to editions one by one when i start the process... right now you can only apply same edits to selected editions. but as u can see in the picture, i can't apply same edits to all editions because they are not from same version. some of them are win8.1 and win7 and ltsc...

I have 10 editions and 10 presets. it would be great to be able to link them and just watch the process. since my presets handle updates, enabling netfx, driver integration and registery integrations... i only mount, apply preset and press process. and i don't want to wait for this.

(and a option to convert to esd end of batch cycle would be nice)


2) i would like to see a drop in box for windows>setup folder... so i can drop my configured setupcomplere files to there and not bother with postsetup part in ntlite. (this can be saved on presets just like drop in registery part in ntlite) because i can't integrate my complex folder hierarchy correctly with postsetup part. i always explore mounted files and paste it manually.

we can think it as "copy this folder to that location" feature ?
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