NTLite with Windows Autopilot scripts


New Member
Is there a way to have NTLITE start these commands in OOBE screen? The usual commands / instructions are below. It involves opening CMD window and starting PowerShell.

  • From a fresh OS at the language menu Press Fn + shift + f10 or shift + f10 to get a command prompt to pop up.

  • Type PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
  • You should now be in a PowerShell window

  • In the powershell window type Install-Script -name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo –Force
  • Type the letter Y for Yes

  • After script is installed run the following command
    Set-Executionpolicy –executionpolicy bypass

  • This command will not show anything after it is executed.
  • You can check it with the Get-ExecutionPolicy

  • Run the script to upload your hash file to Intune. The script will ask you to authenticate with your credentials Run the script in PowerShell as Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 –Online
    Note: The script will take around 5 to 10 mins to run.

    • Check to make sure the serial number is present in endpoint.microsoft.com/

      Restart device
Normally admins will create a Provisioning Package to automate AutoPilot deployments.

But if you have to run interactive scripts, add them to Post-Setup (User). They will execute on the primary user's first desktop session.

powershell-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Install-Script -name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force -Confirm:$False
powershell-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -Online
Normally admins will create a Provisioning Package to automate AutoPilot deployments.

But if you have to run interactive scripts, add them to Post-Setup (User). They will execute on the primary user's first desktop session.

powershell-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Install-Script -name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force -Confirm:$False
powershell-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -Online
I’ll give that a try, thank you!
When a provisioning package gets integrated into the image, it's functions are automatically executed during the Windows install process. If you think about it, a PPKG is more like a collection of pre-determined settings than an actual script or command.
I am looking for this as well.
This script needs to be run before a user even touches the device.
The script registers the device into Intune and can add a Grouptag to it for auto provisioning.

How can we do this? With the PPKG?
What it needs to do is install the script, run the command wait for it to finish and then continue.