Old version NTLite 1.8 vs Windows 10 2004


New Member

I have an old version of ntlite 1.8 and this one tells me which is not compatible with windows 10 2004, I created my ISO and tested the installation on VM and it worked.

My ISO is simple, response file for automatic installation and a list of software that installs automatically

Is it good or can I have instability?

thank you
if both files work then keep them. you may have problems if you start integrating updates and using tweaks inside the tool, removals will be a no no but your answer file and setupcomplete.cmd work then keep them. yes, that install should be stable.
ege914 wouldnt matter if it was, 1.8 wouldnt be able to deal with 2004 and it would be unusable.
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i think nuhi may make ntlite unusuble more frequently to prevent cracks.. for exp maybe software can be unusuble untill ntlite gets update, everytime there is a windows update. (this means every month)
ege914 nuhi have the tool only mount and load supported os and build numbers(w10). if an image is already mounted then have the tool refuse to load it or unmount it.
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