Open File – Security Warning

Mr. Yu

Hello, which component does the pop-up open file - security warning rely on? It can be closed through Internet options, but my IE Browsers, defender, and security center have all been removed. Are there any other security related components? Thank you for your answer
Another question, are there USB 3. x and NVME patches in the patch list downloaded in Win7 ntlite? I saw a USB security patch, but I'm not sure if it is。thank you


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This is a normal warning because a file was downloaded outside of a trusted Internet zone. You can unblock the file, from File Properties. I believe this function is provided by the legacy IE libraries, and not part of any Security component.

NTLite cannot download the official W7 USB3 or NVME KB updates, because they were removed by MS. You can search online for archived versions, and some users have replaced them with later W7 or 8 drivers. Check Win-RAID forum.
File Properties
Thank you garlin. However, I still don't understand which application File Properties is intended for. My translation is to right-click to open the file properties, which is really troublesome. Is there a way to directly prevent all files from popping up? Due to deleting my IE, I cannot disable it through Internet properties
NTLite cannot download the official W7 USB3 or NVME KB updates, because they were removed by MS. You can search online for archived versions, and some users have replaced them with later W7 or 8 drivers. Check Win-RAID forum.
My mediafire pack, includes the 2 nvme updates and the official 3 intel usb drivers.
Intel has hidden or removed the usb3 drivers YET AGAIN but you can get them from majorgeeks.
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This is a normal warning because a file was downloaded outside of a trusted Internet zone. You can unblock the file, from File Properties. I believe this function is provided by the legacy IE libraries, and not part of any Security component.
If i am correct the files are blocked because of the ntfs file system, if the files are saved or moved to a fat32 partition or optical media the blocking is removed. Sordum's Streams Remover can unblock files and folders. To be honest, if your machine will be used online keep file blocking and unblock those files with streams remover.
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NTFS supports alternate data streams, FAT32 doesn't.

You don't need a 3rd-party app, unless you're lazy about typing.
powershell Unblock-File C:\Users\GARLIN\Downloads\bad_file.exe
powershell "Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\GARLIN\Downloads -Recurse ^| Unblock-File"
我的 mediafire 包括 2 个 nvme 更新和 3 个官方英特尔 USB 驱动程序
This is really very comprehensive for intel chips, but for amd it's difficult, I'd like to have it as a wintogo and it's not updatable, I should still discount win7 and win8
That pack is specifically for Intel H310 R2.0 and B365 chipsets and includes al the chipset drivers that were availible at the time in Snappy Driver Installer. Keep or ditch w7/8/8.1 is entirely up to you and your requirements.
Sordum 的 Streams Remover 可以解锁文件和文件夹
It's not that, I download files zip, exe, docs almost every time in firefox, the downloaded files usually pop up with a file warning, I can't open the properties to close it every time I download it, is there any way to completely disable him from popping it up or remove this component of the popup box. Since I'm downloading, the file must be useful to me, this behavior of windows is really annoying and pointless!
That pack is specifically for Intel H310 R2.0 and B365 chipsets and includes al the chipset drivers that were availible at the time in Snappy Driver Installer. Keep or ditch w7/8/8.1 is entirely up to you and your requirements.
Yes, Snappy Driver Installer has 48 GB, I'll download all of them into wtg if necessary for better compatibility!:p
It's not that, I download files zip, exe, docs almost every time in firefox, the downloaded files usually pop up with a file warning

You should prevent Firefox from applying the Mark of the Web on downloads:

(in that article they mention block_download_insecure; I had dom.block_download_insecure, so I set them both to false; I created the non-existing one).
You should prevent Firefox from applying the Mark of the Web on downloads:

(in that article they mention block_download_insecure; I had dom.block_download_insecure, so I set them both to false; I created the non-existing one).
Thank you for your answer. In order to download quickly, my Firefox has turned off security checks, and the security warning dialog box is embedded in Windows