Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
fltmc >nul || exit /b
These are not errors, this is a description of the command in Russian in 866 encoding, so that you can know which command performs what.1. SetupComplete.cmd always runs as SYSTEM. You don't need to run any checks for Admin rights.
Code:fltmc >nul || exit /b
2. You should never CD into different folders, before running commands with a relative path. Always use the absolute path, or the %WINDIR% variable so you know exactly where every folder or file lives.
3. This SetupComplete has a lot of programming errors, mostly from poor typing. If you're not sure, it's better to borrow someone else's script example until you understand how evrything works.
Anything that runs from SetupComplete can be manually tested by running from an Admin CMD window.
Is it possible to combine these two scripts so that activation occurs first, then a script is executed to replace the Lock Screen image that was created by the NTLite program ?@echo off
fltmc > nul || exit /b
вызовите "%~dp0MAS_AIO.cmd" /KMS38
cd \
(goto) 2> nul & (если "%~ dp0" =="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~ dp0")
powershell -NoProfile -Неинтерактивный обход политики выполнения -файл "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\Change_My_Profile.ps1"
regedit /S "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\Lock_Screen_Image.reg"
powershell -NoProfile -Неинтерактивный обход политики выполнения -файл "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\ Post_Delete_Apps.ps1"
rd /q /s "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files"
del /q /f "%0"