Save and restore Configure\Settings


New Member

Is there any way one can save and restore Settings from Configure\Settings area?

Its not in the Auto-saved ***.xml created with Image creation process.
Template like it available in the Components Section would be great.
Same goes for Features, Services and Extra Services Sections

Thanks very much for your help
Sunny greetings from Vienna
When you're editing, save the current preset using Preset -> Save. If you want to start over, Preset -> New.

If you didn't keep the right preset or Auto-saved file, NTLite can recover Settings from a previously edited image. Open CMD and run:
"C:\Program Files\NTLite\NTLite.exe" /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates

Load your image and NTLite will recover what settings you tried. Save the preset and quit. Now restart NTLite in normal mode.

Hope that helps.