Self-extracting archive


New Member
would anyone happen to know what the timeout commands are? I have 3 software packages in my post setup list and they fail because I think they are conflicting. when I do 1 at a time it works fine.
Ryan, on the Post Setup page you can add a PlaceHolder, you should see it in the Execution queue pane. Add 1 package at a time to the list, you may be able to get a place holder between each one and you can move items up or down. Hover the cursor over the placeholer in the queue and parameters to see its notes. I dont know how the placeholder actually works because i never add installers but its worth a go.
I did get 2 software packages to work on the self extracting but when I add a msi in the mix the setup fails on office install.
msi? check the Installers website i put in your Office topic, go to the main page then look. :)