Simple Preset


Active Member
Basically I told someone that this will be here so its here, a preset for just a simple test, you can use it on a old og windows iso and still never have anything extra installed after wards, check for updates fully update and no candy crush or whatever they download these days, as thats literally how long its been since ive had to deal with that stuff, I cant even remember when the last time ive had windows install something itself onto my computer after removing it so hopefully this helps and starts that interest in someone to explore further and see what else they can do before ever installing windows without breaking stuff, have no fear you can start again, a broken windows os is not the end of the world


  • Simple Preset No More Junk Installs Later.xml
    4.9 KB
When you say "No Candy Crush or whatever", it requires 'Content Deliver Manager' removed (or disable all CloudContent settings).
oh ive just done the update section and privacy settings section and ive never had to deal with the extra stuff installed, but im assuming content delivery is under privacy settings, i put this here as a base concept, cause i commented on this man brians video about removing onedrive and I just wanted to show him that this simple preset and no more crap installed, and one drive is gone, but i will add the privacy settings now that i think about it, as there is setting to block microsoft installed software, i thought could be a good video for him as ive got no way to spread the use of nt lite and this knowledge in my head except to try and talk to people but we both know im not very good at that luls :)