SNMP removal breaks ARP and NETSTAT

ARP and NETSTAT break when/if SNMP component is removed. Restoration of SNMPIAPI.dll from source to live system32 and SysWOW64 directories doesn't fully restore ARP and NETSTAT functions, but it changes errors shown. I don't have a log, but the OS is Windows 10 LTSC 19044.1387 .

It doesn't break NETSH commands and as such, it is still possible to set static ARP and task managers still show network connections.
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Process Monitor is a useful tool for tracing DLL dependencies (arp & netstat exit too quickly for Process Explorer). In short, you're correct.
SNMP removal has a side effect of breaking arp & netstat.

arp -a:
12:04:05.5705088 PM ARP.EXE 6544 Load Image C:\Windows\System32\snmpapi.dll
12:04:05.6048602 PM ARP.EXE 6544 Load Image C:\Windows\System32\inetmib1.dll

netstat -a:
12:07:24.4989268 PM NETSTAT.EXE 1880 Load Image C:\Windows\System32\snmpapi.dll
12:07:24.5113002 PM NETSTAT.EXE 1880 Load Image C:\Windows\System32\inetmib1.dll

No SNMP dependencies (but a ton of other libraries).