Something off this break Internet Explorer on W7


Hi its me again :/
I use a updated Windows 7 with Simplix UpdatePack7R2 19.8.22 integrated.

And when I remove :
System File Check (SFC)
winsxs 'Windows Component Store (WinSxS)
Windows Update

then after run Clean update backup- Custom (Complete)

something of this remove Internet explorer it is gone when I install Windows or run in VMware :O
someone know what it can be ?

Thanks for the report. Confirmed, will check and report back tomorrow.
It was the Windows Component Store (WinSxS) removal.
Fixed version uploaded.

A note to add. Now it will seem like it removes less of WinSxS when IE is kept.
But in actuality the final image size and Windows disk size will be the same, difference is just in the WinSxS hard links being kept for the installed components.
When I have more time, and if anyone cares, when IE is kept, I can filter out just the needed links to stay.

Let me know how it goes.
Hi sorry for late respond. My IE is still there and working =)
It would be nice if you still had the old function allso if wanna remove so much as possible even that IE brokes. =)
Hi again.
I used v2.0.0.7618 then I cleaned and deleted
System File Check (SFC)
winsxs 'Windows Component Store (WinSxS)
Windows Update
Clean update backup- Custom (Complete)

Then I used and used "Clean update backup- Custom (Complete)"
and the winsxs folder got like 1-2gb smaller with this version and Internet Explorer is stil there and no error, but im confuse now, what maked Internet Explorer disappear before :O?

Edit nuhi The clean method that was used in "Clean update backup- Custom (Complete)" dont seems to break anything. My internet explorer still work and Discord start without any problem =). But I first removed and clean all with v2.0.0.7640 then I use and clean again. So if you want you put back this cleaning method or if you want to option to split them up.
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