Stuck in Just a Moment (without any post setup)


New Member
Hey So Ive been using the win 10 1709 build and everything works good but when i restart the build in vm i get a just a moment screen like im in the installation part
Normally, NTLite should protect OOBE Setup components, services or tasks unless you have disabled Compatibility mode.
Please attach your preset (without user passwords or license key).
<c>Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost 'Out-of-box Experience (OOBE)'</c>
<c>Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal 'Captive Portal Flow'</c>
<c>Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow 'Network Connection Flow'</c>

This preset removes a lot of other required components, so several features won't work. Depends on how "lite" you want to go.