Suggestions for adding new optimization solutions in the settings

Hello Garlin, I want to make ntlite versatile and perfect, turning him into a dragon. No need to enter the system and set it up again, so that the image can be deployed on multiple devices.
Based on my experience with optimization, and the optimization I often do here after people install a new system, I've listed all the suggestions here. There are some components that can be left unremoved and turned on or off when needed or not. Maybe some of these were thought of by nuhi a long time ago.

Right-click menu management: e.g. Troubleshooting, Burn to CD, Contacts, Open as Portable, which can be helpful to improve right-click responsiveness

Disable system logs
Disable application logs
Disable component based servicing logs
Disable delta package expander logs
Disable component based servicing logs
Disable wfpdiag.etl logging

Disable hibernation: it's in the later tasks of ntlite, it's recommended to move it to the power settings, it can be disabled together with fastboot, they can't coexist and increase the risk of losing data in a power outage

Add it to “System”:
Don't expand vhd dynamic files to maximum when vhd starts (devices with low hardware)
Disable automatic maintenance schedule (useful in wintogo)

Added in “Network”:
Disable ipv6 conversion service
Default sharing and remote assistance
Modify registry remotely

Added in windows update:
windows to go flag (turn it on to disable major updates)

File Explorer:
Disable microsoft pinyin cloud

Privacy options:
NTFS link tracking service
Turn off finding associated apps in the app store
Turn on program security warnings (last post)

Probably won't be accepted, but hopefully it will help ntlite, thanks!
Thanks for the list. Please forward your suggestions to nuhi. While my opinions can provide influence, he alone decides NTLite's future.

Hellbovine has posted a collection of helpful Guides, which cover some of the same ideas, but more importantly expand on the reasons WHY to perform such changes, and also WHY it's a bad idea.

The best way to share your strategies is to write your own personal guide, and provide a set of sample presets or reg files.

Everyone has different requirements. A feature that one user or environment will consider unnecessary may be critical for someone else. To best help others, you need to explain what each Windows feature does and how it impacts your system.

Disabling event logger classes will improve user responsiveness, but will leave you entirely blind when something breaks. That is a choice every user should make for themselves. Some performance gains are not "free", they cost something like in lost functionality.
Disabling event logger classes will improve user responsiveness, but will leave you entirely blind when something breaks. That is a choice every user should make for themselves. Some performance gains are not "free", they cost something like in lost functionality.
Thank you for your advice, this is where I neglected, maybe what I need is a faster speed, while most people are more stable direction, which is worth my consideration:)
I want to contribute to ntlite because nlite is something I used to remember, and I love the simplicity of the system