Unchecked Application Experience and CEIP settings in Scheduled Tasks


New Member
In Scheduled Tasks in the Application Experience and Costumer Experience Improvement Programming settings, uncheck these boxes from default to Remove, which in my opinion instead of remove should be Disabled, it doesn't work, you install the ISO and nothing changes, it's as if you hadn't configured anything the original configuration remains.2023-11-08_124843_1.png2023-11-08_125154_3.png2023-11-08_124943_2.png2023-11-08_125047_4.png
There are various items in planned activities that do not seem to work well:

<TweakGroup name="Tree\Microsoft\Windows\InstallService">​
<Tweak name="ScanForUpdates\ScanForUpdates">remove</Tweak>​
<Tweak name="ScanForUpdatesAsUser\ScanForUpdatesAsUser">remove</Tweak>​

This is why I prefer to operate in post-production for what concerns planned activities...
Scheduled tasks exist in the registry, and are protected from tampering by a security hash. No one has figured out the hash, so your only option with offline images is to completely remove a task. On a live system, you can use schtasks commands to override current settings.

The question is are these tasks actually removed, but replaced again during installation or post-setup?
Scheduled tasks exist in the registry, and are protected from tampering by a security hash. No one has figured out the hash, so your only option with offline images is to completely remove a task. On a live system, you can use schtasks commands to override current settings.

The question is are these tasks actually removed, but replaced again during installation or post-setup?
For my part, in relation to what has been reported, YES!
- "The question is these tasks actually removed": unattended would show YES
- "but replaced again during installation": it seems YES, since they are present (active) at the end of the installation.
I removed all Application Experience & CEIP tasks from a clean 23H2 ISO; and configured Unattended to boot into audit mode.

1. Checked for missing tasks in audit mode (because it executes before OOBE):
No Application Experience & CEIP tasks restored.​

Windows 10 x64-2023-11-08-20-05-08.png

2. Exited audit mode, and continued with install. Temporarily disabled networking to allow BypassRNO to work, then restored it. OOBE displayed an on-screen message saying it was Updating.

Ran command in Post-Setup (Machine):​
powershell "Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\','\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" > C:\PostSetup_Machine.txt

Ran command in Post-Setup (User):​
powershell "Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\','\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" > C:\PostSetup_User.txt

Both Post-Setup log files look exactly the same as audit mode: No tasks restored.​

Windows 10 x64-2023-11-08-20-15-03.png

3. Repeated test again (but skipping audit mode). Same result.

4. Didn't try removing WU tasks, that's enough fun for now.
This is my personal testimony (perhaps the result of coincidences...)

1) I load à Append the first my preset
among other things there is this optimization:​

<TweakGroup name="Tree\Microsoft\Windows\InstallService">​
<Tweak name="ScanForUpdates\ScanForUpdates">remove</Tweak>​
<Tweak name="ScanForUpdatesAsUser\ScanForUpdatesAsUser">remove</Tweak>​
2) I load à Append the my second preset
3) Amount Install.wim being “Isolated”
4) I create the ISO
With this mode, at the end of the installation (Network OFF) the 2 scheduled processes are active while the service is not active.

QUESTION: COULD IT BE THAT DESPITE THE PRESETS ARE LOADED, “APPEND” interferes with the final setup (cancelling the settings present in preset 1 (“ScanForUpdates” and “ScanForUpdatesAsUser” Remove)?

I did a further test on the Install.wim set up with the above method.

1) I reloaded the install.wim:
the 2 processes were still active: I removed them again and saved the install.wim.​
2) I recreated the ISO
3) I proceeded with a new installation from scratch (always with Network=OFF)
4) The 2 scheduled processes are absent (à the removal worked)
5) Activated the network (Network=ON) and checked/carried out the updates
6) The 2 scheduled processes continued to be missing

This is it and... if there is something to correct in my way of operating...
