Clean Update Backup don't work


unless removing Windows Update and not enabling Servicing Stack Compatibility option, it is true that for the update compatibility it keeps a lot in WinSxS compared to before.
Also compared to before, now Windows Updates compatibility is much higher.

Try the DISM Update Cleanup option to mitigate.
If you see it throwing an error, try without configuring any Features, that locks that cleanup on the image.
Please write 100% equivalent command DISM in GUI NTLite for clean updates.
Compatible = /StartComponentCleanup or no
Complete = /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase or no
It's already there in Updates - Clean Updates, DISM option.
Has only the resetbase one.
nuhi I know its a tweak but would it be better to move the reset base option to Updates if one affects the other?
How about you setting the safest most compatible option as default and set the options in the settings.xml file?