Has anyone used NTLite with DaVinci Resolve video editor? Does it help


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Hello everyone, new here so please bear with me,

Im trying to find out if anyone here uses DaVinci Resolve & if NTlite helped their system.

Reason im asking is because im worried about disabling something to then something not to work.

i need to bale able to run DaVinci Resolve, chrome, for my focusrite interface to work & my Nvidia card, fans etc... & also id still like defender for now

Best wishes

As garlin said, use search before creating a new topic, even old users sometimes forget this important little detail, don't be like that lol

I quickly found these 2 components to keep through the search:
Hello!! thanks for the reply... yeah i did actually see these before posting... just a little worried about removing too much if that makes sense..
Hello!! thanks for the reply... yeah i did actually see these before posting... just a little worried about removing too much if that makes sense..
Just don't remove 'NTVDM 16 bit subsystem' and 'Windows AI Machine Learning'. These are the confirmed components that cause problems, there may be others but only those have been reported.

Do your own testing and if you find any problems post your preset here describing the problem and people will help.

Most of the use of NTLite is doing your own testing and tweaking to your liking. You will hardly get the perfect preset the first time. You will probably have to create several ISOs before it is satisfactory for your use. So don't be afraid of making mistakes, as this is part of the process.

Check all the options in Compatibility to reduce the chance of removing something important. Only remove what you are sure you don't need. Test in a virtual machine before installing on a physical machine.