IMPORTANT: Request silent application info here

Dear all,

are you in trouble and don't know how to perform silent install of your popular application?

Feel free to post name and homepage of it here and hope someone can create topic with instructions how to do it.

I hope more users can fill this subforum, see how I posted WinRar, Chrome and other apps and keep new topics with same format for good orientation in them.
I need 2

1. Picpick

2. BitTorrent
You should try searching this subforum first.
Hi there. I am trying to install Twin gate in post setup but i am unable to do it? I am using TwingateWindowsInstaller.exe preq_share=true /quiet as a parameter which I got from twingate own website. Other all apps are installed except, Twingate


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    Screenshot 2023-12-06 154557.png
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Hi there. I am trying to install Twin gate in post setup but i am unable to do it? I am using TwingateWindowsInstaller.exe preq_share=true /quiet as a parameter which I got from twingate own website. Other all apps are installed except, Twingate
There's two versions of the installer. Don't blindly copy the entire line into the right-hand box.

TwingateWindowsInstaller.exepreq_share=true /quiet
TwingateWindowsInstaller.msi/qn no_optional_updates=true

The docs indicate you need to install .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime before running Twingate.

windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.25-win-x64.exe/install /quiet /norestart
They provide two different examples:
"-silent key=123-456-789 logpath=C:\install.log"
"-silent user=vista1967 password=abc123 name=Vista logpath=C:\install.log"

Where key is your Installation Code, and logpath is the optional file to log install messages & errors.
Thanks for your reply! I've already tried that and unfortunately it doesn't work.
This is a mistake, but I don't understand where the problem is, I'm not a big expert but a beginner in IT :)

2024-01-22 05:38:58 - Proxy NONE.
2024-01-22 05:38:58 - Make folder C:\Program Files\DWAgent...
2024-01-22 05:38:58 - Make folder C:\Program Files\DWAgent.OK!
2024-01-22 05:38:58 - Download files...
2024-01-22 05:38:58 - Error Install: Silent installation forbidden. Please contact the support.
I am not sure if the latest NTLite update caused this but /qn /norestart is seemingly not working for the MSI versions of Edge and Chrome. Any suggestions here? It's getting tiring having to fix this issue for the Post-Setup process almost every time something minute changes elsewhere.
I am not sure if the latest NTLite update caused this but /qn /norestart is seemingly not working for the MSI versions of Edge and Chrome. Any suggestions here? It's getting tiring having to fix this issue for the Post-Setup process almost every time something minute changes elsewhere.
Sorry I do not see problems installing Chrome here, though I use the following command (basically the parameters are /passive /norestart):

start "" /wait /b msiexec.exe /i GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /passive /norestart NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1
Sorry I do not see problems installing Chrome here, though I use the following command (basically the parameters are /passive /norestart):

start "" /wait /b msiexec.exe /i GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi /passive /norestart NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1
/qn /norestart used to work for a Post-Setup install, but I changed it to /passive /norestart and now it works again. Software is weird sometimes. Thanks!